Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Here goes!

My love suggested a great idea for the coming year.  Why not take a picture a day for the entire year?  I found myself thinking more and more about it as the days went by and have decided to take that idea and bump it up a notch or two.  Not only will I take a picture a day this year, I wanted to post them in one place and perhaps even write about them, creating a photo journal of sorts.  Thus the creation of this blog, and starting on January 1st I will begin posting photos.  That gives me a few days to figure out how to do it!  I better get busy.  Here is a sample of what it might be like...
It will be great to look back on all the days of the year!

1 comment:

  1. scott!! casey here. we have the same resolution! ill be following.
    the person who gave me this idea makes the pictures and stories into a photobook at the end of the year. just a thought :)

    if you want to check mine out, it's

