Well, 2011 came and brought glorious weather with it for the first day of the year (at least for 1/2 of the first day, it rained all afternoon). As with this blog, I began another daily activity for 2011, a one year Bible reading plan. In years past I have tried various Bibles for my yearly reading. I have used the Daily Walk Bible, the Chronological Bible, there was another version I used once but can't remember the title right now, so I was faced with making a choice as to which one I would use this year. After much thought I remembered my Uncle Ron's technique from a couple of years ago. He simply took his Bible and divided the # of pages by 365 and there you had it. I decided that was for me, so this morning I took my Bible (1042 pages) and divided that total by 313 days. That would give me one day each week as a make up day or a study day, or I will simply finish early, its all good! It come out to 3.3 pages, I rounded it to 4 and began. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how many time I read the creation account I pick up on something new. Today it was that after God made everything and rested, He took great care to arrange things in the garden.
Today's activities included a soccer practice. The Blast are preparing for their first game next weekend and are looking good.
Blast practice at Meridian fields
While the Blast were getting in some practice I headed out on the Red Bug trail for a shakedown on the Lynskey. I changed the gearing and saddle yesterday in preparation for the Tour De San Felasco next weekend and wanted to make sure all was well. The bike is ready, we'll see how the motor holds up for the 50 miles of dirt. Looking forward to it!!
Pro 29 Single Speed on Red Bug
As I got to this spot on the trail, I thought of the passage from todays reading where God is looking for Adam in the cool of the afternoon in the garden. This is one of the prettiest areas on this trail and it was such a glorious day. Thanks God for this time today!
looking forward to your pictures.... Happy New Year to you all!