Today was a busy day for me at the shop. I was trying to finish up the week and get out of work a little early so KK and I could get over to Tom Brown and pre ride the race course tonight. I have a good friend that works at the shop with us whose name is Ron. Ron is 78 years old, has a pony tail, rides a Harley and loves the Lord!! He also has blood sugar issues, as in diabetes. Out of concern for him I have a habit of watching what he eats while at work, and if I see him hitting the vending machine for a candy bar I will give him some major grief. I caught Ron in a bag of powdered sugar doughnuts this morning. When I happened upon his little doughnut party he had a half eaten powdered sugar ball in one hand and was chewing up the other half. When I caught him and pointed in utter dis-belief the piece he was holding seemed to sense my displeasure and crumbled in his hand. As Ron tried to catch it the powdered sugar covered his clean and pressed shirt!! It was hilarious!! Since he knew he was busted he quickly grabbed another and crammed it in his mouth. Hopeless!! I love this guy!
look closely and you will see the bag of doughnuts sitting on the counter!!
what used to be a nice clean shirt.... that's what you get for eating powdered sugar doughnuts!! |
Just before lunch I needed to run to the high school to drop off some paperwork for the Bug. I was running short on time and when I got to the street I needed to turn on this is what I found...
A semi blocking the road. It was making a delivery to a store there on the corner. As I sat there trying to mentally re-route my trip I noticed the sign by the front of the truck and cracked up.
One of the beauties of having a jeep is that they will go anywhere. Even thru this narrow gap!! Successful re-route.
As the day went on it became clear that the pre ride was not going to happen tonight, but we are registered for the race and tomorrow we will get there a bit early to see the course set up. We have ridden there a bunch so it should be good. Lots of pictures tomorrow from the race so check back tomorrow night or Sunday. Pray for Caleb and his first race, that he would have fun and not crash!!
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