Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blue Grass Attack found!!!

Boosterthon 2011, ready, set, GO!!

Go Bug!  
I haven't posted since Monday, so I am catching up on things.  It is funny how something small can throw things out of whack.  This can be said for many things in this life, but I am referring to my camera in this case.  I loaned my camera to KK for the big trip to space camp and got out of my routine for taking pictures each day.  I still had my DSLR, and my cell phone camera and could have easily used one of them to take some shots, but I had a routine going and that one slight little change was enough to derail me.  Pretty pathetic!  Anyway, I am back on track so  here are a few shots from this week.   While I was looking things over for this post, I found the pics of the Blue Grass concert the other night!!  That is my man Jamie on Banjo, and Chapin on Guitar sitting in.  Glad I found this shot!

There have been lots of these around the house lately.... most of them have weapons!
Space Camp!!  One small step... you know the rest!

1 comment:

  1. Hard to tell much about them from a photo, but I can say that the Potlickers have a much better looking banjo player.
